
How To Configure A Router

How To Configure A Router

The procedure for accessing to the control panel of a router and adjust all the settings you need to connect to the web is simple. Even if you’ve never handled one, you’ll not find any difficulty in carrying it out. Let’s see together, step by step, all you need to do and how to do it!

Wireless-Router How To Configure A Router

The first things you need to do is to connect the router to a power outlet , the line and the computer using an ethernet cable. If your router has a power button, you press it to let the device in operation.

At this point, start your favorite web browser on your PC (example Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) and connect to the address to access the router’s configuration panel. If you encounter any problems, try using the address

To access the panel of the router, you will be prompted to enter a username and a password. Commonly, the key combination is admin/admin but in some cases you have to use other settings that can be found in the user manual of the router.

Once in the control panel of the router should start automatically, the initial setup of the device. Otherwise , find the button to start it (example Setup wizard ) and click on it.

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